Addie Levinsky
Edited on 10/3/22
Created on September 23, 2022 at 10:03 pm
Edited on October 3, 2022 at 8:20 pm

10 tips on how to set up your channels on Threads


Channels are part of the main ecosystem on Threads. The old adage is "if a thread is written and not shared to a channel, does that thread even exist?" *

We might be paraphrasing, but it's something like that.

Properly structuring your channels will make you and your team's experience on Threads that much better, so let's hop into it.

* while channels are the best place to house your threads for maximum organization and visibility, you can also create Direct Threads which do not belong to a channel.

what are channels?

Channels are where all of your threads live. You can think of them as folders, meeting rooms, forums, spaces, or any other synonym of channel.

Channels can be public or private. A private channel is invite-only, while public channels can be joined by anyone in your organization.

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top 10 tips for structuring your channels

Create channels freely Anyone should feel empowered to create channels as needed. With our channel capabilities and robust notification preferences, more channels simply means more granular content organization.

Pro Tip You can always leave channels that are no longer relevant to you, but you can view/join them at any time if they're public.

Add channel emojis

Use emojis to add some flair to the channel, and increase discoverability in all the channel views.

Pro Tip Custom emojis can be used as channel emojis, so the options are truly endless.

Invite members

We make it easy for you to invite as many or as few people to a channel as you need.

You can:

  • Add everyone in the organization with one click
  • Add individuals (even folks who aren't in your organization)
  • Set contributors and subscribers
    • Contributors can create threads
    • Subscribers can only view threads

Set up the default notification setting

When creating a channel, you can set the default notification level of a channel for all members.

Important company announcements channel? Set it to All New Threads

Bot alert channel? Set it to Only When I'm Mentioned

Set your own custom notifications

Regardless of the default notification setting on a channel, individuals can change their notifications to best suit their needs.

Just click the bell in the channel view.

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Favorite channels you use most often

Clicking the star from the lefthand sidebar channel list moves that channel to your favorites.

Your favorites appear above your channels to make them easily accessible.

Set the privacy

Channels can be set to private, which means only the individuals added to the channel can see the threads and channel in their sidebar.

Private channels do not appear in the list of channels for individuals who are not part of them.

Pro Tip

Use private channels for 1:1s with your manager/report. It's a more organized, robust version of direct messaging!

Create channels for any integrations you use

Integrations are one of the most powerful component of Threads. You can set up channels with different integrations or using our developer API to pipe in alerts. This means not spamming a chat channel, and being able to kick off discussions from any alert.

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Collapse channels for a more focused view

You can hide your list of channels by collapsing the channel/chat list by clicking the .

Pro Tip

You can enter full-on focus mode, which hides both sidebars, by hitting shift+f

Sort channels when browsing

Only the channels you've joined or been invited to show up in the lefthand sidebar. However, you can view all public channels in your organization by clicking Browse Channels from the ... overflow menu.

You can sort channels A-Z, Newest channel, Oldest channel, Most members, Fewest members.

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